The wildly anticipated games-as-a-service title, The Day Before, finally released after a crazy couple of years in development, continuously being pushed back until finally releasing it in Early Access. Now, after the botched release with over 70% of its audience dipping, the studio behind it, Fntastic, is closing its doors.
Announced on Twitter and shoddily stitched to its website, the Singapore-based developer revealed that with the failure of The Day Before, it simply doesn’t have enough funding to continue operations. While the company is effectively dissolved, its existing games, like Propnight and the controversial zombie looter shooter, will have servers remaining online. That said, it does clarify that the future of its games are up in the air.
When it was first revealed in 2021, it looked like a great concept, but as time went on and delays started piling up, its once-feverously excited fanbase turned on it, labeling it a scam, and once it finally did release, the game was bombarded by negative reviews, as it simply didn’t live up to the expectations that the developer set in place. It’s not an MMO, it’s full of bugs and glitches, and it lacks key elements found in a lot of these kinds of online multiplayer games, like melee combat. It lacks polish and simply put, this revelation doesn’t surprise us in the slightest.
With the closure, the developer says it’s using its remaining funds to pay off its partners. This news also led to renewed refund requests, as the Early Access cost was $39.99, a far cry from the value that this game brought to the table. So far, Fntastic hasn’t issued a statement about whether it will honor those refund requests, but with it saying that it’s paying off its partners, we can assume that it will probably just take the money and run.
Official statement. #fntastic #thedaybefore #propnight
— Fntastic (@FntasticHQ) December 11, 2023